Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0275
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
$54.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0276
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
$54.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0286
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
$54.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0284
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
$54.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0454
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
$33.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 5071
Durable and lightweight articulators reproduce the natural relationship and movement of the patient’s jaw on the basis of mean jaw relation...
$332.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0013
Dura-Green Stones are excellent for fast contouring and finishing. Dura-Green Fine Stones are ideal for surface characterization and adjusting details.Impregnated with silicon carbideLong lasting, fast cutting and always concentric in motionUse Dura-Green Stones for: composites, amalgams, preci..
$45.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 0033
Dura-Green Stones are excellent for fast contouring and finishing. Dura-Green Fine Stones are ideal for surface characterization and adjusting details.Impregnated with silicon carbideLong lasting, fast cutting and always concentric in motionUse Dura-Green Stones for: composites, amalgams, preci..
$45.99 CAD
Brand: SHOFU
Model: 1160
Developed with SHOFU’s exclusive tannin fluoride additive.Contains tannin fluoride, which helps seal dentinal tubules, reducing post-operative sensitivityChemically bonds to tooth structure and metal appliancesHigh adhesive strength (697 psi, 49 kg cm2)Extremely low film thickness (19 µm)High lev..
$216.99 CAD