Red Rouge Polishing Compound is for high shine on gold, precious and non-precious alloys. Great for the final polish on gold. Available in 1-pound bars...
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..