Use Brownies to achieve a smooth surface, Greenies for a lustrous polish and Supergreenies for a super-polish.Silicone polishers impregnated with high quality abrasivesUse Brownies for pre-polishing, Greenies for polishing and Supergreenies for super-polishingUse Brownie/Greenie/Supergreenie St..
Super Peg stabilizes your crown duringthe firing process, leaving you with a post-fired benefityou will surely smile about.Buy 4, get 1 Free! Valid: 04/15/2024 to 08/31/2024..
*Very high quality synthetic bristle brush which has been well proven for many years for the optimal porcelain build-up.
*The brush tip remains stable.
*Highly flexible brush bristles.
*Ideal for reducing porcelain...